Family Photos

Thanks to Dianne for sending these photos from the draft weekend at the Bohligs in CA. This first one is Sparkler Jordan with her Uncle Jumar (age 10+!) — they passed Novice Brace all three days.

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Jumar and Jordan are an amazingly consistent team — and that earned Jordan her ANBDD title. Congratulations Team J&J!

Jordan also teamed up with Margaret Jezek’s boy, Stigen, for Jordan’s Open Brace title.


I love how Berner People help each other achieve goals — gratitude to Margaret and Well Done, Team Jordan/Stigen!

Team rePete/Karma were successful in scoring the dog bed on which to practice their long, long, long stays…

They practice a lot and are very good at that particular exercise.

They practice a lot and are very good at that particular exercise.

Karma graciously condescended to allow Claire a small piece of the dog bed in which to chew…

Or maybe not so graciously judging by the look of her feline face…

Or maybe not so graciously judging by the look of her feline face…

Sweet Daisy loves to nurse on Stuffies…

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I have never had one do this and I have to say — it is endearing and adorable, even if the Stuffie is always a wet, soggy mess.

What’s a little spit between family?

I was having A Day yesterday and so the Universe felt the need to send me a reminder…

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And so I ordered some Love Beads and tie-dye.

I hope your day is a Happy One — or if you prefer, a really Hippy One.

Better yet — both!

Big News from Up North

Team Jordan (Sparklers) is on a serious roll, racking up the working titles so fast that it is hard to keep track. Her latest is quite the Accomplishment (yes, with a capital A) — the Canadian Kennel Club’s Draft Dog Excellent (DDX).


In the USA, draft titles are through breed clubs like the Bernese Mountain Dog Club of America (BMDCA). In Canada, drafting is done through the Canadian Kennel Club, which has a draft program that our own dear Aysha described as “batshit” (as in crazy hard).

I pulled up the Regulations and Aysha’s comment is not actually hyperbole.

The requirements for DDX are very challenging and include working from behind the dog, a backpacking portion, three judges, and my personal least favorite — the dog may never sit or down during the majority of the test.

I thought the Americans had the corner on that whole Protestant work ethic thing but I guess our neighbors to the north are also a bit hard on idleness.

Anyway, Team Jordan passed that test — on a hot day, no less — before her 2.5 year old birthday. It is entirely appropriate to be super impressed and blown away by this young team.

As Dianne noted in her Facebook post — Jordan is aptly named: Kaibab’s Just Watch Me. This girl has been worth watching since she was tiny. She is something special.

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I am grateful to Dianne for ensuring that Jordan is living her Best Life and realizing her deep potential.

CONGRATULATIONS to Team Jordan on this significant title and all it represents!