Harper, Pozy, and Resilience

Nine is a Big Birthday for a Berner. I wish that wasn’t true but I also wish the pandemic would go away and that has not happened either.

Harper B for Big Birthday reports that nine feels just like every other wonderful, happy time in her life (which is every minute of every day).

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She is healthy, sound, active, and in all ways her usual energetic and kind self.

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She celebrated with her very own birthday walk — and even made her own birthday crown.

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.Pozy spent the Big Birthday having a really BIG playdate…

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That is a six-month-old Irish Wolfhound!

At first, the thought bubble over Pozy’s head read, “OH MY HECK. What the fork are you?!”

Pozy could escape by going behind the hot tub.

Pozy could escape by going behind the hot tub.

We were careful.

Daisy came along to play first and make sure the 97-pound puppy would be appropriate with a smaller dog. But Jamison was completely awesome and nice — what a great temperament he has — and soon the two puppies were fast friends.

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And I do mean fast…

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At four-months-old, it is important that Pozy have these kinds of novel experiences. It is through the successful navigation of Novel that a puppy develops confidence.

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It is the job of humans to ensure that the novel experience has a positive impact — not a negative one.

And only the puppy can tell us if the experience is positive or negative — it doesn’t matter if we think the puppy should or should not be able to handle something. Concern — like beauty — is in the eye of the beholder.

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Sometimes we cannot control things and the puppy has a bad experience. This was the case yesterday.

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The first Bad Thing involved Pete the Cat. He took offense at something Daisy said and suddenly those two were acting like political candidates in a debate.

Pozy went over to see what was happening and Pete, apparently recognizing he was outsized by Daisy, went after Pozy. Unlike Chris Wallace, Pozy took off running and crying with Pete the Bully in hot pursuit.

I turned off his mic in a big fat hurry and Pete spent the day shamed and outside.

Pozy, however, was shaking and upset. She doesn’t understand Bullies and Betrayal — Pete is usually her friend!

Cuddles and treats and etc. and soon she was fine again.

Until she wasn’t.

Because it wasn’t enough to be assaulted by a cat, two hours later Pozy was attacked by HORNETS when we went outside to see what Dear Husband was doing. He was, apparently, disturbing a hornets’ nest.


Not Murder Hornets as she is alive but crazed, cold hornets who took refuge in Pozy’s plush, warm coat and then ungratefully stung her repeatedly.

Pozy was yelping in pain, and frantic because she had no idea what was going on. The hornets I could get out of her coat were flying around the house, the puppy was crying and trying to get away from the ones still in her coat, and basically it was a terrible example of a novel experience for a puppy in every possible way.

We cannot control everything.

Benadryl and more cuddling — and then a long nap.

We bank good experiences to build confidence and resilience so that when the bad experiences happen, we can bounce.

Pozy is a bouncer. She is just fine.

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But does it seem somehow unfair that on top of EVERYTHING, bullies and hornets are still operating in the world? Isn’t a pandemic enough?

Two resources for you today:

  1. A great read on how to build your own resilience so you can bounce like Pozy.

  2. A webinar about loss and life in the pandemic/what helps that I recently did for professionals/students.

Stay well and bouncy.

Family Photos

Thanks to Dianne for sending these photos from the draft weekend at the Bohligs in CA. This first one is Sparkler Jordan with her Uncle Jumar (age 10+!) — they passed Novice Brace all three days.

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Jumar and Jordan are an amazingly consistent team — and that earned Jordan her ANBDD title. Congratulations Team J&J!

Jordan also teamed up with Margaret Jezek’s boy, Stigen, for Jordan’s Open Brace title.


I love how Berner People help each other achieve goals — gratitude to Margaret and Well Done, Team Jordan/Stigen!

Team rePete/Karma were successful in scoring the dog bed on which to practice their long, long, long stays…

They practice a lot and are very good at that particular exercise.

They practice a lot and are very good at that particular exercise.

Karma graciously condescended to allow Claire a small piece of the dog bed in which to chew…

Or maybe not so graciously judging by the look of her feline face…

Or maybe not so graciously judging by the look of her feline face…

Sweet Daisy loves to nurse on Stuffies…

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I have never had one do this and I have to say — it is endearing and adorable, even if the Stuffie is always a wet, soggy mess.

What’s a little spit between family?

I was having A Day yesterday and so the Universe felt the need to send me a reminder…

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And so I ordered some Love Beads and tie-dye.

I hope your day is a Happy One — or if you prefer, a really Hippy One.

Better yet — both!


This is Hal and his BFF, Abby (Sparkler). SO cute! Both of them.

Thank you, Kathy!

Thank you, Kathy!


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rePete has a better recall than most dogs.



Claire and Daisy.


Claire has kindly refrained from going into season just yet — adding in the trip to breed her on top of everything else might send me straight into unraveled.

However, she is at eight months now so it will be any day. Maybe a few days away might be a blessing — washing dishes in the bathtub is no picnic, I assure you.

Happy Thursday to ALL.