77 Days = Hope

New word…

Isn’t that perfect? I did not make it up but I share because it is clever and captures what so many of us feel.

And in the spirit of sad and tortuous pandemic humor, I modified a song that my kids used to torment me:

This is the virus that doesn't end.
Yes, it goes on and on, my friends.
Some people started spreading it not knowing what it was,
and they'll continue spreading it forever just because... (repeat)

And yet, life goes on — except for those 835k and counting Americans who have died with Covid.

Don’t make the mistake of saying, “well, most of them would have died anyway” because actually, ALL of them would have died anyway — same with YOU — but did they want their deaths delivered by Covid on that day?

Probably not.

Just like us, those 835k and counting Americans likely had things they wanted to accomplish and people they needed to hug.

On that grim note, there are 77 days left until the BMDCA National Specialty and although the light is flickering and dim, it is a small beacon of Hope out there in the darkness.

For those who do not know what the heck this National Specialty stuff is all about — it is like summer camp with your dogs and all your dog friends. It is a buffet of fun dog events. A week where people “get” you — where you meet with your tribe. It is a time to check out of normal life and check in with HAPPY.

THIS is a link to the 2022 Specialty website.

I have so many logistical challenges this year but Hope Matters so much — DoG willing, I will be there.

Let the targeted training and coat growing and logistical solutions begin…