
I am so flipping proud of Capella! She tested today for the Pet Partners Therapy Dog program…

Eighteen months old and rated for Complex visits/facilities — that is so awesome.

Capella is kind, calm, and just so easy — like Ferguson (her dad), who is also an active Therapy Dog.

It is a tough test — Capella aced it. She was made for this kind of thing — born this way…

And so of course we had to celebrate!

While we waited for our ice cream, Capella got right to work, spreading love and fun to a new friend who wore a shirt celebrating Capella’s Excellent and Awesome Day…

The special dog ice cream cone was a Big Hit…

…and so well-deserved.


Margie Moonshadow is newly delivered of a KaiBob…

Her cousin, Bright Star Capella, has presented with a more prickly baby…

False pregnancies are normal in intact girl dogs, but the symptoms vary. Mothering is typical. Changes in appetite is also a common symptom. Margie Moonshadow is normally a voracious eater but has turned picky. Capella is currently on a hunger strike.

This is an auntie to Margie and Capella — Miss Maddie from our F Litter, now 13 years, 8 months, 2 weeks, and 5 days old.

Age should always be celebrated — in people and in dogs. It is a gift. Those lines on our faces? Like ribbons on the present, evidence that we have been given the gift of life and love on this day.

Tomorrow is my birthday. I plan to take stock and celebrate — and eat Cronuts. Capella will definitely not be requesting a sample, given her current state of indisposition.

Have a Happy Monday!