Dog Show Weekend Report: So Much to Say

As usual, the weekend was filled with interesting experiences that will take a few days to process.

I want to begin by thanking Almighty Heidi, Expert Dog/Cat/House Sitter and Snake Wrangler Extraordinaire. Yes, there was a snake in the house — twice!

Rosebud says, “NOT ME!”

Because of Almighty Heidi, I got to hug my little grandchildren for the first time in six months.

Because of her, I had one of the best dog show days ever on Friday.

First up was Capella — she was Winners Bitch and Best of Winners for two more points towards her championship.

She repeated that on Saturday — Capella is just a natural at this dog show stuff.

But the Big News was Claire. If you have followed this blog, you know some of what that dog has been through with her complicated pregnancy, multiple surgeries, and no appetite for months from the same hormone issue that resulted in her blown knees.

September 2021

Did I ever share that this 105-pound girl got down to the high-70’s because of the nausea?

All that context matters. It speaks of how far back our starting line fell — and how very hard we worked to get back.

Claire has a spot on her right side that is just not growing back fur. The vet says this sometimes happens — but does it randomly happen like this?

I noticed the heart last week and so went into obedience with Claire on Friday — for the first time in three years — feeling like maybe the Universe was reminding me that everything is going to be okay.

It was.

In the background — the High in Trial wood carved trophy that Claire’s great-great grandma, Abra, won at the 2001 National Specialty.

Claire scored a 199/200 in Novice B obedience — that is an amazing score and it earned her High in Trial. I am so proud of that dog — she has so much heart.

And BOUNCE! In spite of everything. #belikeclaire

Back to Capella. Her Superpower is about temperament.

Capella and Logan — Bright Star Atlas (fka Sun) in the background

Capella is 14-months-old — still a puppy — and yet she was the one I picked for Berkeley’s dog show debut.

When I asked Berkeley a few weeks ago if she wanted to show a dog, she was so excited and told me: “I have waited for years to be on stage.”

Berkeley is five.

When the time came for her big moment, she was a little nervous and asked me to hold her hand.

Thanks to Dear Daughter for the videos and photos.

I am reminded that hard things are a bit less hard when people who care hold our hands. Thanks to everyone who has been taking turns holding mine for these past few months.

Berkeley and I held hands, and see for yourself — it was wonderful.


Look at that face! This is Wally from the Moonshadows…

SO CUTE! Love his dark eyes and freckles! This is his half-sister, Pozy Clarkia, who shares those traits…

Pozy is doing so well. She is extremely smart and drivey, and loves to train. We are in tracking season right now…

This is Pozy and me — thanks to Suzanne for the photo.

We will hopefully get into a tracking test in May and/or June — Pozy is ready (and so am I!).

Costco has a nice dog bed on sale — I am sucker for Costco dog beds. There is, however, some confusion about the bed…

Pozy: DOG bed.

Karma: Get your paw off me and remove yourself from my new bed.

Capella: Excuse me, Karma, this is a DOG bed. Also, I love you and so we can share.

Karma: Get off me this minute and remove yourself from my new bed.

And the winner is…

Sparkle and Karma

A sense of humor is a barometer to how our Little Soldiers are doing. If they cannot find or appreciate humor, they are not doing well at all. My Little Soldiers and I laughed and laughed when this arrived…

There was no note as to who sent it and so I just laughed and marveled that: 1) I was laughing; 2) people are wonderful and kind — and FUNNY; and, 3) the awesomeness of my guest bathroom keeps getting even better. Thank you, Lisa K, for ALL the things.

Loss of humor is also a sign that we are overtraining but I am going to take a risk on that…

I hope my Peloton bike won’t be jealous of my new running shoes! Okay — running might be a wee bit aspirational but who can’t use some aspiration in their life?!

Exercise is the very best medicine for all kinds of things — and laughter. I think I can keep doing both, and besides, I really want the tee-shirt!

Want to join us in Missoula on June 26? Consider yourself invited, in any capacity — including just sharing the celebratory hot fudge sundae at Big Dipper Ice Cream and/or checking out the Moose Restroom. #goals

The Young Ones

My dogs are neatly divided by age groups right now — I have two veterans (Harper and Sparkle), two young dogs (Capella and Pozy) and Claire in the middle. This is a great mix for me.

Pozy and Capella

You have heard a lot about Capella lately…

Capella at nine months

Yes, Capella is like a Pot o’ Gold — consolation from the Universe for everything. Capella was also ready for fall shows…

I have already paid for this photo but have not received it — so I feel okay about using a watermarked version. Capella at 7+ months, first points.

Pozy was not. That doesn’t mean anything. It is normal and expected that dogs are ready to show at different times, based on things like coat and physical development and mental readiness.

Pozy (Major x Daisy) suffered a bit when we had the two litters — how could she not? She was only eight months old when life came to a screeching halt as 10 + 10 puppies arrived.

But she was a solid puppy and is bouncing back just fine.

Pozy is brilliant — a quick and eager learner, and showing an unusual aptitude for agility, which thrills me. But seriously — everything she is doing now in training is going well: Obedience, tracking, agility, draft, scentwork. She is my kind of dog — a do-everything-well dog. I absolutely adore her.

Sometimes I worry that it might seem that everything is all about Capella — just know that it is also all about Pozy Clarkia (and Claire and Harper and Sparkle).

Love is like that — it just seems to go on and on and on and on…