The Young Ones

My dogs are neatly divided by age groups right now — I have two veterans (Harper and Sparkle), two young dogs (Capella and Pozy) and Claire in the middle. This is a great mix for me.

Pozy and Capella

You have heard a lot about Capella lately…

Capella at nine months

Yes, Capella is like a Pot o’ Gold — consolation from the Universe for everything. Capella was also ready for fall shows…

I have already paid for this photo but have not received it — so I feel okay about using a watermarked version. Capella at 7+ months, first points.

Pozy was not. That doesn’t mean anything. It is normal and expected that dogs are ready to show at different times, based on things like coat and physical development and mental readiness.

Pozy (Major x Daisy) suffered a bit when we had the two litters — how could she not? She was only eight months old when life came to a screeching halt as 10 + 10 puppies arrived.

But she was a solid puppy and is bouncing back just fine.

Pozy is brilliant — a quick and eager learner, and showing an unusual aptitude for agility, which thrills me. But seriously — everything she is doing now in training is going well: Obedience, tracking, agility, draft, scentwork. She is my kind of dog — a do-everything-well dog. I absolutely adore her.

Sometimes I worry that it might seem that everything is all about Capella — just know that it is also all about Pozy Clarkia (and Claire and Harper and Sparkle).

Love is like that — it just seems to go on and on and on and on…