Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch...

We are at Yellowstone Dog Sports near Red Lodge, Montana for an agility trial. Daisy is a thoughtful, observant girl who takes everything in — she loves watching out from the RV window.

Daisy in RV.jpg

Daisy is not quite ready to qualify in agility — but she is ready to have some fun in the ring and so she debuts tomorrow.

While we are away, a restoration company is cleaning up the mess at home from this little misadventure…


The water supply line to the dishwasher was loose and has been dripping for weeks, apparently just now reaching saturation such that it dripped down into the room below and up through our new kitchen floor.


The dishwasher, still under warranty, was repaired about five weeks ago by a local appliance company. Unless they are prepared to assert that my talented dogs (or cunning cats) were able to loosen that connector, it appears that the evidence points to a simple failure to adequately tighten that connector after the repair.

damage floor.jpg

Mistakes happen and yes, they often cause issues for others. It is so much easier to deal with human imperfection with grace and understanding when people own their mistakes and do what is needed to make things right. I hope the appliance company — or their insurance company — shares that observation.

Happy Friday!