
The walk-out basement feels like a metaphor. I am reconstructing the basement while I am reconstructing me.

One difference is that while my life was deconstructed without my consent, the basement deconstruction (and reconstruction) is absolutely my choice. And so is my personal reconstruction — I control that as well.

That is always good to remember. We do not have control over things that happen to us — we only have control over what we do in the aftermath.

This is the guest bathroom countertop before it fell victim to my reconstruction project.

Note new floor!

It looks orange in the photo but it was more of a cream with an orange pattern — and formica.

This is the countertop when I was done…

It isn’t perfect — this reconstruction — and yes, it is messy at times. But just look at the difference!

Okay — yes, the handle needs to be straightened but how cute are the moose?!

It was done with a special paint that I did over a weekend in multiple colors/coats.

Who knew that was a thing?! Not me.

I am learning so much about what is possible. I cannot, however, do it all myself and so I am getting better at asking for help. My awesome plumber not only installed the sink yesterday but also did the caulk around the countertop for me. Because I asked.

People do not know what we need unless we ask.

I asked Almighty Heidi Husband’s for help and …

Let There Be Light. And gratitude — so much gratitude.

The reconstruction is very intentionally focusing on things that make me happy.

Little uplifts that serve as reminders that happiness and reasons to smile still exist. I am very intentional about this reconstruction project — both of them.

I am so grateful that others are watching and supporting me.

Thank you, Sue, for that amazing and fun photo. I think I should frame it and add it to the bathroom. Also, I want to rub those cute moose ears. Is that a thing in Alaska?!

I was pretty okay not knowing how to refinish a countertop and am not at a point where I feel grateful about being shoved into my reconstruction project(s). But here I am.

Check out the reflections in that photo. Wow.

And there I go. Into my wild and precious life. With dogs.

I Wish I May, I Wish I Might...

Yesterday I wished for a special unit of snow removal Little Soldiers.


They arrived.

In a touchingly lovely display of what it can mean when we share our extra Little Soldiers, my neighbor offered to plow my driveway.

He cannot possibly know what that meant to me — that his kindness made all of my tired Little Soldiers cheer with their small, hoarse voices.


I wasn’t even wearing Lucky Socks!

Two things about that. First, Random Acts of Kindness have BIG impacts. Second, don’t forget to send your wishes up to the stars — sometimes they are granted.



Rosebud might want to reconsider her fitness coach career…

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Penny reports that Team Zeus has started Nosework classes with Team Buttercup — mental training is great exercise…

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I love that photo for so many reasons. Thank you, Penny!

And speaking of Team Buttercup…


That is Buttercup in the middle with her Squad.

And speaking of Wildflowers, someone sent me an amazing Wildflower present

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Isn’t that incredible?! Seriously. Thank you, Mark — my mind is blown and my heart is grateful.

And there is more!

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Very pregnant Claire is definitely in need of some understanding Little Soldiers these days…

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Random Acts of Kindness — they matter so much. Thank you, Mark, for reminding us all of that.

P.S. I was just texting Suzanne about the sign and the Little Soldiers. I sat here thinking about all of this, and added this as a summary to my texts:

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The world is truly filled with amazing people, isn’t it?