
Porter Buck and Obi Hunter are still doing their classes together. Thank you, Linda, for the photos. These two made me laugh.


Those two photos just sum up Life with Puppies so well — all teeth and and then, Little Angels.

I am seeing the same with Maple and Capella.

Ever Feel Like This?.jpg

And then…

Maple and Capella (2).jpg
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And then back at it…

Maple and Capella 2.jpg
Maple and Capella 3 (1).jpg

Watching the two puppies reminds me of how physical dogs are, and how very much play needs to be part of their lives — and yes, dog play involves mouths.


Whether we are intentional about it or not, we are always training our dogs. Since I have specific goals for mine, their training needs to have intention and direction. And because I think their lives, including training, should be fun — as they define fun — mouths are involved. Tugging, fetching, eating, puzzle solving, chewing — all ways to involve a dog’s natural inclination to have fun with their mouths.

And that is why we just received a new supply of training tools…

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…because fun needs to be part of every training session. Maple knew what to do with the new tugging thingee…

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Please run off and have a super fun Sunday.

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You deserve it — especially you dads out there!