Berners On Track, Week Eight (?)

Click HERE fore the week’s video. We have some teams looking towards certification, and that is addressed in the video.

The AKC Tracking Regulations can be found HERE; start on page 14 for a discussion of the process of certification and also for the components of an actual Tracking Dog (TD) Test.

I will post tracking videos tomorrow.

Happy Weekend!

Berners On Track, Week Six (Updated)

The Berners on Track Crew continues to make steady progress — it is amazing how much learning can happen online!

Dogs in the class are at different points because of conditions, time, and so on but the progress really is amazing. Most are ready for the challenge of the following two tracks — as always, handlers should adjust based on their unique circumstances.

This first track introduces an intermediate article — a sock, glove, bandana dropped on the track about 20 or so yards from the end. Hopefully everyone has been working on making articles high value!

Make sure you are handling closer to the dog than usual so you can have a quick article response — even if the dog STEPS on the article, you start the party.

“OH MY GOSH! What did you find?!” and so on.

Do not muddy the Party Waters by asking the dog to do anything with that article — just be happy that she touched it, looked at it, picked it up, tripped over it, or whatever she did.

Have that party, hand over a cookie, tuck the article away and let the dog finish the track.

Because we introduce a new element (article) we reduce the difficulty of everything else so there are no turns on this track, and continuation post-article is quickly reinforced by finding the jackpot.

Article Map.jpg

The second track challenge for the week (on separate days, of course!) is a two-turn track. Because we are increasing the difficulty with two turns and a longer track, we reduce the difficulty of the actual turns — they should both be open turns. Use food to reinforce and motivate, and make sure to have one turn to the right and one to the left.

Two Turns Map.jpg

There is no article on this track — one should not add two new elements to a track at once!

Good luck and have fun!

Update: Sadie’s Track!