Creeping Towards a Finish

I get very consistent in my internal alarm clock — 3:44 a.m. I am not taking chances with being late for my 8:00 a.m. class.

And speaking of that — this is a Monday text exchange with Galen…

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He knows me so well!

Improvement — whether of Self or a home — is a slow process, isn’t it? And ongoing, truth be told. We get one thing done and it is on to the next.

Here in Montana, Ground Zero of The Great Dishwasher Fiasco of 2019, progress is once again underway.

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Note the lack of carpet and the stacks of flooring!

I hope your day is one in which progress is made towards whatever your heart desires.

A Bit of Everything

The cabinets are being installed as we speak!

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Grading and construction — a great combination! But it is all going to be so worth it, right?!


It was fun to take a quick break to Boise. Harper B for Being Patient went along this time — and I do mean went along…

Dogs are always free to remove themselves from the attention of children. Apparently Harper did not mind being “decorated.”

Dogs are always free to remove themselves from the attention of children. Apparently Harper did not mind being “decorated.”

Harper got to visit her littermate, Heidi…

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And that means we visited with the various Heintzbergers — so fun!

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Lincoln has started to walk!

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Kathy sent along this photo of Abbie (Sparkler) waiting for her small human to share his goldfish crackers.

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And that is a good reminder that a certain litter is about to have a third birthday! I am excited for the updates and will, of course, share.

Have a WONDERFUL Wednesday!