Dandelions and a Daisy

The re-entry to normal life has been rough — Claire and now Harper have Kennel Cough, picked up from the Specialty — and I have had the human equivalent. But I have turned the wellness corner and so today I got my dog training arena mowed and set up.



What is Daisy meant to do? Agility. The good weather means we can get started — she seems happy about that.



Meant To Be

Dear Husband and I heard a Big Crash yesterday. Uh oh. It is that time of year again.


Baby birds, although made for flying, are not very good at it yet and have a tendency to crash into our house during Spring. That small friend knocked herself out on a window.

We provided moral support and protection from cats as she slowly came back around.

She attempted to fly again, crashed once more and then attached herself to my leg!


It was quite the adventure but eventually she was off, doing that thing birds are meant to do: Fly.

It is easy to know what a bird is meant to do but not always so easy to know that about ourselves - or a dog.

Claire in water.jpg

I almost pulled Claire from Novice B obedience at the Specialty because — like the baby bird — she was not actually ready for full flight.

I mean it! (Dianne is rolling her eyes!).

She could have just as easily jumped on the stewards or grabbed her leash and raced around the ring with it trailing behind like a black leather banner.

Instead, Claire flew and it was awesome. Beautiful. Fun.

But like that baby bird, I know her soaring performance does not mean she is anywhere near ready for migration into Novice B.

Nope — we had a lucky day without any obvious places to crash, and that is how her very novice skill set earned us a lovely score and second place in a class of over 50. It was, in fact, the Lucky Socks.

But the experience was revealing — I learned what Claire is meant to do: Obedience.

She will still do other things, of course, but Claire declared her Super Power — and it isn’t just swimming.

Claire swimming (1).jpg

Do you watch for messages from your dog about what she is meant to do — or just assume that what you want to do is what your dog should do?

And do you ever consider what you are meant to do — and be? I think we get messages about that as well — if we listen.

An Old Berner is Golden Indeed

Puppies are exciting and fun but an Old Dog is something so very special, and this is especially true in Berners.

Can you spot Cooper from the Glitterati?

Cooper 10.5 years.jpg

Jennifer reports that Cooper is well and keeps her laughing, even as he approaches 10.5 years on this earth.

Miss Maddie (F Litter) is enjoying Spring in Washington.

Maddie April 10.5.jpg

She is now 10.5+ years and keeping Barb busy.

Our Super Senior is Levi from the E Litter.

Levi April 2019.jpg

Levi is 11 years and 9 months old! Erin reports that he has some creaky bones but is otherwise doing just fine. #blessing

We love our older Kaibab dogs.