Two Weeks, Three Weeks, WOW (Updated)

The Bright Stars were flocked this morning…



These are not the usual KaiBobs that show up for every litter — these are special sheep. Cuddly little talking sheep.


They are, in fact, the extremely rare and elusive KaiBarbZ sheep.

Kaibarbz and Sun and ?.jpg

KaiBarbZ sheep are a cousin to KaiBob sheep but with enough wooly coats to get them through the Montana winter…

Flag and view.jpg

Sent and received with love — thank you, Barbz.

And speaking of gratitude…

Kim gift.jpg

Thank you, Anonymous Friend, for sending that perfect mug to Dear Husband! He was very touched :)

Moonshadow Metis was selected to demonstrate some new Moonshadow skills — here he is sitting…

Metis and Daisy 2-11.jpg


Metis stand 2-11.jpg

Daisy is such a sweet mom — here she is with Hunter…

Daisy and Hunter 2-11.jpg

Two-weeks-old Moonshadow Puppy Pile…

MS Puppy Pile two weeks old 2-11.jpg

Claire seems to be feeling SO much better — and as evidenced by this look at Nova, her puppies did not suffer while Claire was under-the-weather…

Nova 2-11.jpg

Two-and three-weeks — wow. Photos later but in the meantime, here is a video that captures well the difference a week makes. Enjoy it — and your day!

Evening Report and Pics: Holy Rodeo!

Set Designer and Puppy Wrangler, Suzanne, came over to do the photos with me — any success is all on her. THANK YOU, Suzanne!

Daisy loves Suzanne SO MUCH! The puppies are the Bright Stars.

Daisy loves Suzanne SO MUCH! The puppies are the Bright Stars.

The Moonshadows at Two Weeks





















The Bright Stars at Three Weeks





















Puppy Grand Central Report (Updated)

When I was a kid, our cat had repeated litters of kittens (this before parents knew better and spaying wasn’t a thing). Some of my earliest traumatic memories involve those kittens.

The time, for example, my toddler brother accidentally killed one by slamming the kitten in a car door — it was Halloween and I went to the Kindergarten costume parade with kitten blood on my white Casper the Friendly Ghost costume.

The extra kittens who were dropped off at the pet store or Humane Society — I feel haunted by all that still.

The responsibilities involved in the creation of Life are adult activities.



Yesterday, as I fretted and worried about Claire, I kept imagining the experience from the perspective of a child and was reminded why the kitten memories are still so traumatic.

Bright Stars Zaniah and Sun

Bright Stars Zaniah and Sun

Children should never be burdened with things that exceed their developmental capacity, and that includes the creation and maintenance of Life.

In fact, I feel a bit outraged this morning on behalf of children whose parents think casually breeding a dog or cat so the kids can experience the miracle of life is a good plan. They might want to consider how the child might feel when worried their beloved dog might die.

Putting kids (or puppies) in situations where they experience fear and terror — and yet cannot do anything about it — is a great recipe for imprinting traumatic memories. Life will throw enough at the young ones — don’t do more on purpose.

Claire is better but not 100%. Do you know how long it takes to eat a cup of kibble 1 - 2 pieces at a time, with pauses every 20 or so pieces?!


A long time.

My dogs do not eat primarily kibble on a regular basis — they get a variety of foods — but puppy kibble is calorie-dense and that is what is needed. Besides, she won’t eat anything else at the moment besides kibble and Animal Crackers.

Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner of the Nauseous!

Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner of the Nauseous!

The Bright Stars are all just fine — nursing was not interrupted by Claire’s illness. They are all happy little hippos.

Bright Star Sun says, “who are you calling a hippo?!”

Bright Star Sun says, “who are you calling a hippo?!”

Zaniah was the first escapee from the box — Heze considered an attempt but aborted it.

Heze 2-10 escape.jpg

Over at the Moonshadows, developmental milestones are being ticked off right and left. Eyes are opening and now puppies are staggering — the Drunken Dinosaur stage has arrived!

MS walking.jpg

The Moonshadows are all so lovely…

MS 2-10.jpg

And Daisy is an easy and competent mom who is always happy to eat. Thank goodness!

Post easting MS 2-10.jpg

Rosebud wants the Moonshadows to be renamed: Rosebud’s Squad.

Rosebud's Squad.jpg

The puppies have presents!


But I have meetings, class, and a webinar — and since I am the webinar presenter, I need to focus on all that first and will open presents as the reward for finishing all the things.

Have a wonderful day — and please eat!

Evening Report & Pics

After a stressful 36 hours, I am pleased to share that Claire is feeling better!

Claire 2-10.jpg

She is back to eating — okay, yes — from my hand but still — she is eating! This breeding thing is definitely rated Adult Content for gore, stress, bad language, suspense, and so on.


But the puppies are incredibly cute!

Bright Stars 2-10.jpg
Rosebud recruiting for her Squad

Rosebud recruiting for her Squad



Do you see Andy’s eye?

Do you see Andy’s eye?

The Importance of Sleep

Puppies grow so fast. This is Zeus from the Wildflowers at 9+ months old with one of his humans.

Thank you, Penny

Thank you, Penny

Also from the Wildflowers, this is Kjempe living his best life in Colorado.

Thank you, Mariya

Thank you, Mariya

The placement of puppies is a heavy lift. It is our responsibility to ensure each of the lives we have intentionally created are respected, honored, and loved in their new homes.

Bright Stars Orion and Lyra

Bright Stars Orion and Lyra

The tricky part is that everyone thinks their home is just fine for a new puppy and suggesting otherwise is — understandably — insulting.

Moonshadow Kale

Moonshadow Kale

But I am the one who is charged with assessing just fine for these puppies, and the responsibility weighs on me.

I spy a Moonshadow eye — Hunter

I spy a Moonshadow eye — Hunter

Being judgmental is not a quality to which I aspire, and yet — I must judge.

I value diversity of thought — and yet I am looking for homes that are willing to at least go along with my thinking about what is best for a dog.

I enjoy making people happy — and yet I will disappoint good people.

Ears up! The ability to hear is emerging.

Ears up! The ability to hear is emerging.

You would think ten plus ten puppies, with all their messes and needs — and laundry! — would be the hard part of being a breeder; it is not. The hardest part about being a loving breeder is placing puppies, and then living with those choices for a lifetime.

Daisy nursing outside box 2-9.jpg

Moonshadows Taking Turns

It should not be a big surprise, therefore, that my #1 criteria for puppy placement has to do with sleep.

Bright Stars Heze and Zaniah on a cozy sibling

Bright Stars Heze and Zaniah on a cozy sibling

Specifically, I ask myself: Will I lose sleep about this home? Will worry about this puppy’s life keep me up at night?

Moonshadows Arche and Metis

Moonshadows Arche and Metis


It is a tough balance between respecting differences and being comfortable enough not to worry. I do not always get it right but I always try.

I hope your day is comfortable and respected; we all deserve both.

Evening Update

Moonshadows Arche and Kale

Moonshadows Arche and Kale

Moonshadow Neil

Moonshadow Neil

A Moonshadow — see the eye?

A Moonshadow — see the eye?

A stressful day as Claire has been under the weather, complete with a fever, vomiting, and refusing to eat. Two phone calls to the vet (she is the best). Not mastitis — likely a uterine crud issue. Antibiotics on board and this evening she is perking up — whew.

Claire and Sirius

Claire and Sirius

The Bright Stars are all doing just fine. The ear perking up thing has been happening all day — adorable.

Bright Star Sirius getting serious

Bright Star Sirius getting serious

Bright Star Capella

Bright Star Capella

Bright Star Zaniah

Bright Star Zaniah